Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Prayer Update - April 21, 2010

For more information about our presbytery, please visit our website.

Featured Church/Mission: Grace Presbyterian Church, Laconia, New Hampshire (Pastor Andy Wilson)
1. Election of New Officers: Pray for the men who have been nominated to the offices of ruling elder and deacon as they complete their training and are examined by the Session. Pray for the Session and congregation as we move forward in the election process.
2. Covenant Children: Pray for the children who are going through the communicants class, that they would all make a mature and credible profession of a living faith in Christ.
3. Potential Members: Pray for several individuals who have recently started attending worship with us as they are invited to participate in an "Introduction to the Church" class.

Featured Potential Church Planting Site: Lakes Region, Maine
1. Pray for the people of the thirteen towns that make up the lakes region of central Maine, including Casco, Bridgton, Naples, and Raymond. Pray for good economic opportunities for the many involved in tourism-based industries.
2. Pray for the further establishment of the church in this region.

Featured Potential College Ministry Site: Plymouth State University, Plymouth, New Hampshire
1. Pray for the students, faculty, and staff of Plymouth State University, part of the University System of New Hampshire.
2. Pray for the ministry of Campus Crusade for Christ to the students there.

MNA Committee work:
Burlington: Continue to pray for the committee’s work toward preparing for a joint church planting/RUF work in Burlington, VT. Pray in particular for:
1. The visits of the leading candidates for the churching planting and RUF positions to Burlington on May 6 & 7. Pray for a clear sense of call for both men and their wives and for the others from our presbytery who will be part of the meeting.
2. Wisdom in considering the possibility of expanding the team of men for Burlington to include a church planting apprentice who would be preparing for further church planting in Vermont.
3. The visit of Jeremy Smith of First Presbyterian, Jackson (MS), from May 1-3, to attend the first Sunday morning worship service of Free Grace Presbyterian (see below) and strengthen ties between his church and our presbytery.
4. The committee’s next regular meeting on 4/28 as we consider the next steps in prayer and financial support-raising.

Free Grace Presbyterian, Lewiston (Pastor Per Almquist): Pray for all those involved with Free Grace as they prepare for their first Sunday morning worship service on May 2. Pray for the preparations of their meeting space and the worship service itself.
Herb Shipman: Continue to pray for adequate support to be forthcoming to support Pastor Shipman in his work as an evangelist to the dairy farming community of northern Vermont.
Mike Viera: Continue to pray for Mike, a candidate under care in the presbytery, during his year-long deployment to Afghanistan as a member of the Army reserves and for his wife and three children.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Prayer Update - April 7, 2010

For more information about our presbytery, please visit our website.

Featured Church/Mission: Christ Presbyterian Church, Nashua, New Hampshire (Pastor Jason Wakefield)
1. Pray for the progress of the church as a particular church again and especially for new RE Matt Oquist.
2. Pray for the funding of the ministry in the midst of a shortfall in outside support.
3. Pray for us as we look for a new facility. We need to find a place that will further our ministry.
4. Pray for new people to come and join the congregation.
5. Pray that we would continue to develop a global and local missions emphasis.

Featured Potential Church Planting Site: Augusta, Maine
1. Pray for the people of Augusta, including those serving in government positions in the state’s capital.
2. Pray for a strong evangelical witness among the existing churches in Augusta and the surrounding towns.

Featured Potential College Ministry Site: University of Maine-Augusta, Augusta, Maine
1. Pray for the students, faculty, and staff of the Augusta campus of the University of Maine.
2. Pray for good job opportunities for the graduates of the career-oriented programs at UM-Augusta.
3. Pray for the ministry of Campus Crusade for Christ to the students there.

MNA Committee work:
Burlington: Continue to pray for the committee’s work toward preparing for a joint church planting/RUF work in Burlington, VT. Pray in particular for:
1. A second interview of a strong candidate for the church planter position coming up on 4/14. Pray for God’s direction on all sides as we consider whether this is the man who is being called to lead this work.
2. Continued progress in working with a strong candidate for the RUF position.
3. Wisdom in considering the possibility of expanding the team of men for Burlington to include a church planting apprentice who would be preparing for further church planting in Vermont.
4. Opportunities for committee members to connect with others who may be interested in this work as they attend conferences and permanent committee meetings this week.
5. The committee’s next regular meeting on 4/28 as we consider the next steps in prayer and financial support-raising.
6. Presentations scheduled for 4/11 in Exeter and 4/25 in Nashua.

Quarterly meeting: Pray for the elders of the presbytery as they gather to meet in Lancaster on April 17. Pray for safety in travel and God’s blessing upon the worship service and meeting.
Herb Shipman: Continue to pray for adequate support to be forthcoming to support Pastor Shipman in his work as an evangelist to the dairy farming community of northern Vermont. Give thanks for the recent newcomers to his Bible study and the evident work of the Holy Spirit in the lives of those attending.
Mike Viera: Continue to pray for Mike, a candidate under care in the presbytery, during his year-long deployment to Afghanistan as a member of the Army reserves. Pray for his wife, Andrea, and three children as they deal with this time away from Mike (living in Vermont and attending Trinity Presbyterian until May).