Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Prayer Update - December 14, 2011

For more information on our presbytery, please visit our website.

Featured Church/Mission: Church of the Redeemer (profile), Manchester, New Hampshire (Pastor Jon Taylor)

1. Praise God for new attendees to CTR, particularly as a result of our ESL ministry.

2. We're thankful for improvements to our facility space that come at no cost to our church and give us an extra classroom for ministry and discipleship as well as greater visibility and easier access for guests.

3. Pray for Pastor Taylor as he preaches a sermon series on giving in the New Year and for our commitment to the Lord in this area.

4. Pray for a greater spirit of unity and for ways for the session to foster community among our members.

5. Please pray for us to fulfill our 2012 goal of sharing about Christ and CTR more openly with all those whose lives we touch.

Featured Potential Church Planting Site: Littleton, New Hampshire (profile)

1. Pray for the spiritual and material prosperity of the people of Littleton, NH.

2. Pray for the progress of the church in the northern portion of New Hampshire and for wisdom in the development of plans for planting churches in the rural regions of the state.

Featured Potential College Ministry Site: Middlebury College (profile), Middlebury, Vermont

1. Pray for the students, faculty, and staff of Middlebury College during their summer beak.

2. Pray for God to bless the several campus ministries at Middlebury, including Campus Crusade for Christ and Intervarsity Christian Fellowship.

MNA Committee work:

Burlington: Continue to pray for the committee’s work toward preparing for a joint church planting/RUF work in Burlington, VT. Pray in particular for:

1. The people of Burlington that God would prepare a harvest for this work.

2. Pray for the various gatherings that have begun for this work.

3. Ongoing efforts to connect with potential prayer and financial partners for the work in Burlington.


Herb Shipman: Pray for strong prayer and financial support for Herb’s ministry among the dairy farmers in northern Vermont. Give thanks for the spiritual fruit that God has brought about through his labors.