For more information about our presbytery, please visit our website.
Featured Church/Mission: Christ
the Redeemer Presbyterian Church (profile), Portland , Maine
(Pastors Doug Warren and David Stewart )
Please join us in praising God for
these answered prayers:
1. Several of our summer congregants
have returned and it is a joy to catch up with them and worship God together.
2. A few of the people we have been
reaching out to in the love of Christ have responded with increased interest.
3. He has provided a great book
keeper to help in the church office. Welcome Cheryl!
Please continue to boldly ask God
for the following:
1. That Explorer Camp (July 16-20)
would be an effective outreach in our community.
2. That God make us bold in
proclaiming the gospel.
3. That God would raise up additional
elders and deacons to help equip the saints in ministry.
1. Pray for the people of Keene and for the spiritual and material prosperity of
people in the western part of New
Hampshire .
2. Pray for the reformation of the
church in Keene
and for God’s blessing upon the evangelical churches there.
3. Pray for God’s provision of a
church planter to establish a new church in Keene .
1. Pray for the students, faculty,
and staff of Keene State College during their summer break and for the school’s
impact on the state through the large number of public school teachers who
study there.
2. Pray for the campus ministries at Keene State ,
including the work of Campus Crusade for Christ.
MNA Committee work:
1. Pray for the committee
members as they make plans for fall recruiting visits and meet with potential
church planting candidates.
2. Pray for a strategic and
coordinated development plan for church planting in the Northern New England
3. Pray for Joseph Pensak and his family as they move towards
public worship this fall at Redeemer Burlington.
4. Pray for John and Megan
Meinen as they move to Burlington to begin the
RUF work at the University
of Vermont this fall.