For more information about our presbytery, please visit our website.
Featured Church/Mission: Free Grace Presbyterian Church (profile), Lewiston, Maine (Pastor Per Almquist)
1. Rejoice with us over all that God has done, is doing, and will do in his church in Lewiston-Auburn. Pray for our time celebrating that this Sunday as Presbytery ordains and installs our first elders.
2. Pray for the many folks in our area who are POOR. We have so many who are poor – for many reasons, not all of their own doing. Lately we are getting requests for financial assistance a lot. We, and all the other mercy organizations in our town, cannot keep up with all the needs. Pray for us to bring the grace and mercy of God to our community through every relationship he gives us.
3. Pray for Ken and Jordan's Bridge. Pray for the clients he is counseling that they would experience the transformed hearts and restored relationship that comes from the grace of God at work in them.
4. Rejoice with us as we receive about 15 new members over the coming weeks and pray that God would continue to draw more people to himself and to his church.
5. Pray for health, wisdom, and grace for Ken and Kevin as they adjust to serving as elders in the church.
Featured Potential Church Planting Site: Augusta, Maine (profile)
1. Pray for the people of Augusta, including those serving in government positions in the state’s capital, including Governor Paul Lepage.
2. Pray for a strong evangelical witness among the existing churches in Augusta and the surrounding towns.
Featured Potential College Ministry Site: University of Maine-Augusta (profile), Augusta, Maine
1. Pray for the students, faculty, and staff of the Augusta campus of the University of Maine.
2. Pray for good job opportunities for the graduates of the career-oriented programs at UM-Augusta.
3. Pray for the ministry of Campus Crusade for Christ to the students there.
MNA Committee work:
Burlington: Continue to pray for The Vermont Project, the joint church planting/RUF work in Burlington, VT. Pray in particular for:
1. Joseph Pensak, the new church planter and his family, as they make new friendship in Burlington and get settled into their new home.
2. Continued progress in seeking a candidate for the RUF position.
3. Financial and prayer support towards the work in Burlington.
Presbytery Interns: Continue to pray for: Tom Powell, as he continues his internship at Hope Presbyterian Church; Mike Viera, as he begins his studies again at Reformed Theological Seminary in Jackson; Nathan Snyder, as he begins an internship this fall; and Ted Ogley, as he works as a pastoral assistant at First Presbyterian Church, Concord.
Herb Shipman: Praise God for the fruit of this ministry. Continue to pray for adequate support to be forthcoming to support Pastor Shipman in his work as an evangelist to the dairy farming community of northern Vermont. Pray also that Herb would have a restful time on his vacation.