Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Prayer Update - June 1, 2011

For more information about our presbytery, please visit our website.
Featured Church/Mission: Grace Presbyterian Church (profile), Laconia, New Hampshire (Pastor Andy Wilson)
1. Give thanks for the reception of a number of new members in recent months, including three covenant children who were admitted to the Lord's Table.
2. Pray for our session as we develop and implement a plan for shepherding this flock.
3. Pray for boldness in sharing our faith with non-Christians in our commu, and for the Lord to work through our church to bring people to saving faith.
4. Pray for the Lord's financial provision.
5. Pray for Pastor Wilson's wife Jonelle, and for the Wilson family, as Jonelle receives treatment for breast cancer.

Featured Potential Church Planting Site: Keene, New Hampshire (profile)
1. Pray for the people of Keene and for the spiritual and material prosperity of people in the western part of New Hampshire.
2. Pray for the reformation of the church in Keene and for God’s blessing the evangelical churches there.
3. Pray for God’s provision of a church planter to establish a new church in Keene.

Featured Potential College Ministry Site: Keene State College (profile), Keene, New Hampshire
1. Pray for the students, faculty, and staff of Keene State College during their summer break and for the school’s impact on the state through the large number of public school teachers who study there.
2. Pray for the campus ministries at Keene State, including the work of Campus Crusade for Christ.

MNA Committee work:
Burlington: Continue to pray for the committee’s work toward preparing for a joint church planting/RUF work in Burlington, VT. Pray in particular for:
1. TE Joseph Pensak and his family as they look to move to Burlington this summer.
2. Ongoing efforts to connect with potential prayer and financial partners for the work in Burlington.

1. Pray for the committee’s work as it makes contact with men who are interested in serving in Northern New England.
2. Pray for the 39th General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in America (June 7-10) that the work of the church might prosper and God’s name would be honored and glorified in all the proceedings.

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