Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Prayer Update - January 18, 2012

For more information on our presbytery, please visit our website.

Featured Church/Mission: Christ the Redeemer Presbyterian Church (profile), Portland, Maine (Pastor Doug Warren)

Please join us in praising God for these answered prayers:

1. Even though we were not able to purchase the building we were looking at, we did see God raise up $100,000 towards purchasing a property. Praise Him for this abundant provision.

2. We have had several families start worshipping with us on a regular basis and have seen a couple of them join in the past few months.

Please continue to boldly ask God for the following:

1. That God would give us greater boldness in inviting friends, neighbors, and co-workers to services, bible studies, and into our lives.

2. That God would tenderly comfort some who are struggling greatly at this time.

3. That we would experience the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace in our midst.

Featured Potential Church Planting Site: Brunswick, Maine (profile)

1. Pray for the spiritual and economic prosperity of the people of Brunswick.

2. Pray for the existing evangelical churches in Brunswick, including Merrymeeting Bay OPC, currently meeting there.

3. Pray for the expansion of the Kingdom in central Maine.

Featured Potential College Ministry Site: Bowdoin College (profile), Brunswick, Maine

1. Pray for the students, faculty, and staff of Bowdoin College as they begin to prepare for the new semester.

2. Pray for the establishment of strong college ministries on a campus without an RUF, Intervarsity, or Campus Crusade presence.

MNA Committee work:

Burlington: Continue to pray for Redeemer Burlington, the joint church planting/RUF work in Burlington, VT. Pray in particular for:

1. Continued fruitfulness from the various gatherings and concerts.

2. For the people of Burlington, that God would continue the work of preparing the fields for harvest.

3. Ongoing efforts to connect with potential prayer and financial partners for the work in Burlington.

4. For God to raise up the man of His choosing for the RUF ministry at the University of Vermont.

NNEP: Pray for God’s blessing upon the upcoming Northern New England Presbytery meeting in Merrimack, NH (January 21).

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