For more information on our presbytery, please visit our website.
Featured Church/Mission: Exeter Presbyterian Church (profile),
1. Thank the Lord for the joy that we experience in serving our great God together.
2. Pray for a course that I am teaching at Exeter Adult Ed on the book of Genesis through the eyes of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. Ask the Lord for good fruit from these efforts - 30, 60, 100 fold. :)
3. Pray that we would all turn away from cynicism and that we would grow in hope as a praying church.
4. Pray that we would believe in the power of godliness, (2 Timothy 3:5, Romans 13:14) and that we would see that power at work by the Holy Spirit.
1. Pray for God’s blessing upon the people of Hanover and Lebanon,
2. Pray for the reformation of the church in the
Featured Potential College Ministry Site: Dartmouth College (profile),
1. Pray for the students, faculty, and staff of
2. Pray for God’s blessing on the campus ministries at
MNA Committee work:
1. Six families are now involved in the core group of Redeemer Burlington. We are thrilled that one of those families are new to the faith and heard the gospel for the first time through our Sunday afternoon gatherings in downtown
2. Pray that God would continue to grow our core group in fellowship and "one-anothering," and for more opportunities to spend time together as God begins to form us into a genuine church family.
3. Praise God for the connections made through our "hospitality through the arts" initiative, the New City Galerie, located in a beautiful walk up space right on the historic Church Street marketplace in downtown Burlington. We recently hosted a documentary screening on Sacred Harp singing, followed by a concert by Tim Eriksen ("Cold Mountain" soundtrack) and a Sacred Harp "singing school" the next morning.
4. Pray that God would continue to grant us favor with the local Greek Orthodox church in
1. Pray for the committee’s work as it makes contact with men who are interested in serving in
2. Pray for the interns Tom Powell as he seeks the Lord’s leading; Mike Viera, as he continues his studies at Reformed Theological Seminary in Jackson; and Nathan Snyder, as he does an internship this year.
Herb Shipman: Pray for strong prayer and financial support for Herb’s ministry among the dairy farmers in northern
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