Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Prayer update - November 7, 2012

For more information about our presbytery, please visit our website.

Featured Church/Mission: Grace Presbyterian Church (profile), Laconia, New Hampshire (Pastor Andy Wilson)
1. Give thanks for a family that joined the church this fall, and pray for their two sons as they take the communicants class.
2. Pray for several new families and individuals who have recently been worshiping with us, that they might be open to taking our "What Is a Reformed Church?" class.
3. Pray for safe travels, good health, and a good adjustment as a family in our church travels to China this month to adopt a one-year old girl.
4. Pray that we would be faithful in bearing one another's burdens, as a number of people in the church are dealing with health problems and relational difficulties.

Featured Potential Church Planting Site: Augusta, Maine (profile)
1. Pray for the people of Augusta, including those serving in government positions in the state’s capital, including Governor Paul Lepage. 

2. Pray for a strong evangelical witness among the existing churches in Augusta and the surrounding towns.

Featured Potential College Ministry Site: University of Maine-Augusta (profile), Augusta, Maine
1. Pray for the students, faculty, and staff of the Augusta campus of the University of Maine.

2. Pray for good job opportunities for the graduates of the career-oriented programs at UM-Augusta.

3. Pray for the ministry of Campus Crusade for Christ to the students there.

MNA Committee work:
1. Praise the Lord that they have began public worship October 7th.
2. Praise Him that He is building His church, and that He will continue to gather and perfect the saints of Burlington.
3. Pray for Joseph and Katie Pensak, and their three children Nadine, Lucie and Maelle, that God's rich blessings would be upon them as they labor together in Burlington.

1. Pray that God would continue to introduce John and Megan Meinen to new students at UVM.
2. Pray that RUF would be welcomed on the Religious and Spiritual Life Council at UVM.
3. Pray for growth in the ministry of RUF; for outward growth -  that more and more people would hear the gospel and be drawn to it; and for downward growth - for a deepening of faith for all who are involved with RUF.

Herb Shipman
1. Pray for strength for Herb as he ministers to the dairy farmers of Northern Vermont and as he preaches and teaches at the church in Belvidere.
2. Pray that God would continue to grant him good health to serve each day.
3. Pray for the necessary funds to minister to these dairy farmers through the Farmers' Bible Study.

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