Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Prayer Update - December 14, 2011

For more information on our presbytery, please visit our website.

Featured Church/Mission: Church of the Redeemer (profile), Manchester, New Hampshire (Pastor Jon Taylor)

1. Praise God for new attendees to CTR, particularly as a result of our ESL ministry.

2. We're thankful for improvements to our facility space that come at no cost to our church and give us an extra classroom for ministry and discipleship as well as greater visibility and easier access for guests.

3. Pray for Pastor Taylor as he preaches a sermon series on giving in the New Year and for our commitment to the Lord in this area.

4. Pray for a greater spirit of unity and for ways for the session to foster community among our members.

5. Please pray for us to fulfill our 2012 goal of sharing about Christ and CTR more openly with all those whose lives we touch.

Featured Potential Church Planting Site: Littleton, New Hampshire (profile)

1. Pray for the spiritual and material prosperity of the people of Littleton, NH.

2. Pray for the progress of the church in the northern portion of New Hampshire and for wisdom in the development of plans for planting churches in the rural regions of the state.

Featured Potential College Ministry Site: Middlebury College (profile), Middlebury, Vermont

1. Pray for the students, faculty, and staff of Middlebury College during their summer beak.

2. Pray for God to bless the several campus ministries at Middlebury, including Campus Crusade for Christ and Intervarsity Christian Fellowship.

MNA Committee work:

Burlington: Continue to pray for the committee’s work toward preparing for a joint church planting/RUF work in Burlington, VT. Pray in particular for:

1. The people of Burlington that God would prepare a harvest for this work.

2. Pray for the various gatherings that have begun for this work.

3. Ongoing efforts to connect with potential prayer and financial partners for the work in Burlington.


Herb Shipman: Pray for strong prayer and financial support for Herb’s ministry among the dairy farmers in northern Vermont. Give thanks for the spiritual fruit that God has brought about through his labors.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Prayer Update - November 30, 2011

For more information about our presbytery, please visit our website.

Featured Church/Mission: Faith Presbyterian Church (profile), Lancaster, New Hampshire (Pastor Mike Kooy)

1. Pray for wisdom for our facilities committee as they consider options for a future place of worship for our church.

2. Praise God for one family who has recently joined the church and for two others who are in the process of doing so.

3. Pray that the Lord would help us to reach out with the gospel to those in our community and that he would draw many to faith and repentance in him.

4. Pray that the Lord would continue to provide for our church the funds necessary to continue ministry here in northern NH.

5. Please pray for two men who plan to start officer training soon.

Featured Potential Church Planting Site: Keene, New Hampshire (profile)

1. Pray for the people of Keene and for the spiritual and material prosperity of people in the western part of New Hampshire.

2. Pray for the reformation of the church in Keene and for God’s blessing upon the evangelical churches there.

3. Pray for God’s provision of a church planter to establish a new church in Keene.

Featured Potential College Ministry Site: Keene State College (profile), Keene, New Hampshire

1. Pray for the students, faculty, and staff of Keene State College during their summer break and for the school’s impact on the state through the large number of public school teachers who study there.

2. Pray for the campus ministries at Keene State, including the work of Campus Crusade for Christ.

MNA Committee work:

Burlington: Continue to pray for the committee’s work toward preparing for a joint church planting/RUF work in Burlington, VT. Pray in particular for:

1. TE Joseph Pensak and his family as they see new individuals and families begin to partner with this work.

2. Ongoing efforts to connect with potential prayer and financial partners for the work in Burlington.


1. Pray for the committee’s work as it makes contact with men who are interested in serving in Northern New England.

2. Pray for the interns Tom Powell as he seeks the Lord’s leading; Mike Viera, as he continues his studies at Reformed Theological Seminary in Jackson; and Nathan Snyder, as he does an internship this year.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Prayer Update - October 19, 2011

For more information about our presbytery, please visit our website.

Featured Church/Mission: Grace Presbyterian Church (profile), Laconia, New Hampshire (Pastor Andy Wilson)

1. Give thanks for a new member who joined recently by making a first time profession of faith. Pray for his growth in grace.

2. Give thanks for a new family that has been attending. Pray that they might seek membership.

3. Pray for our session as we implement a plan for shepherding this flock.

4. Pray for the Lord's financial provision.

5. Pray for Pastor Wilson's wife Jonelle, and for the Wilson family, as Jonelle receives treatment for breast cancer.

Featured Potential Church Planting Site: Berlin, New Hampshire (profile)

1. Pray for the work of God’s Spirit in the north country of New Hampshire and especially in the town of Berlin.

2. Pray for good economic opportunities for the people of Berlin and the surrounding region.

3. Pray for the resources necessary for the planting of churches in the rural regions of northern New England.

Featured Potential College Ministry Site: Bates College (profile)

1. Pray for the students, faculty, and staff of Bates College as they take their break between academic years.

2. Pray for the Intervarsity Christian Fellowship group at Bates and for a strong evangelical witness among the student population there.

3. Pray for the encouragement of Christian students at the school.

MNA Committee work:

Burlington: Continue to pray for the committee’s work toward preparing for a joint church planting/RUF work in Burlington, VT. Pray in particular for:

1. Joseph Pensak and his family as they welcome the newest addition to their family, Maelle, born October 10, 2011.

2. For the new gatherings happening in the city of Burlington.

3. For adequate prayer and financial support within Northern New England and beyond.


Herb Shipman: Pray for strong prayer and financial support for Herb’s ministry among the dairy farmers in northern Vermont. Give thanks for the spiritual fruit that God has brought about through his labors.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Prayer Update - October 5, 2011

For more information about our presbytery, please visit our website.

Featured Church/Mission: Christ Presbyterian Church (profile), Nashua, New Hampshire (Pastor Jason Wakefield)

1. Pray for leadership development, as three men have come forward to serve as officers at CPC.

2. Pray for the funding of the ministry; we are starting a new financial year June 1 and are already behind.

3. Pray for us as we look for a new facility and office space. We need to find a place that will further our ministry.

4. Pray for new people to come and join the congregation.

5. Pray that we would continue to develop a biblical community with a global and local missions emphasis.
6. We are focusing on prayer, community and rest this year. Pray that these would become priorities in the hearts of CPC Members.

Featured Potential Church Planting Site: Montpelier, Vermont (profile)

1. Pray for the work of God’s Spirit among the people of Vermont’s capital city.

2. Pray for the leaders of the Vermont government including Governor Peter Shumlin.

3. Pray for God’s blessing upon the church in northern Vermont.

Featured Potential College Ministry Site: University of Maine (profile), Orono, Maine

1. Pray for the students, faculty, and staff at the main campus of the University of Maine in the summer ahead and for the town of Orono.

2. Pray for the campus ministries at the University of Maine, including Campus Crusade for Christ, Intervarsity Christian Fellowship, and the Maine Christian Association.

MNA Committee work:

Burlington: Continue to pray for TheVermontProject in Burlington, VT. Pray in particular for:

1. Joseph Pensak and his family as they continue to settle into the community.

2. The continued development of financial and prayer support for the work in Burlington.

3. That God would continue to work through the community gatherings that they have begun recently.


Meeting: Pray for God’s blessing upon the upcoming Northern New England Presbytery meeting in Lewiston, ME (October 15).

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Prayer Update - September 7, 2011

For more information about our presbytery, please visit our website.

Featured Church/Mission: Exeter Presbyterian Church (profile), Exeter, New Hampshire (Pastor Steve Magee)

1. Please pray for our new intern, Nathan Snyder, that his time here would be a great blessing to him, to the church, and to the kingdom of God.

2. Thank the Lord for 15 years of worship at EPC as of September 8th and 31 years of marriage for Candy and Steve Magee as of September 6th :-)

3. Pray that the Lord would bring others to our daily worship services Monday through Wednesday at 9am. We are praying, singing, and going through Numbers and Deuteronomy this fall.

4. Pray for one of our deacons, Dave Herrod, who will be teaching our theology class this fall using a new Catechism of Christian Unity that focuses on Christian essentials.

Featured Potential Church Planting Site: Lakes Region, Maine (profile links below)

1. Pray for the people of the thirteen towns that make up the lakes region of central Maine, including Casco, Bridgton, Naples, and Raymond. Pray for good economic opportunities for the many involved in tourism-based industries.

2. Pray for the further establishment of the church in this region.

Featured Potential College Ministry Site: Plymouth State University (profile), Plymouth, New Hampshire

1. Pray for the students, faculty, and staff of Plymouth State University, part of the University System of New Hampshire.

2. Pray for the ministry of Campus Crusade for Christ to the students there.

MNA Committee work:

Burlington: Continue to pray for The Vermont Project in Burlington, VT. Pray in particular for:

1. Strength, peace and encouragement for Joseph Pensak and his family as the transition in Burlington continues.

2. Deepening friendships with those on the campus of the University of Vermont.

3. Financial support towards the work in Burlington.


Vermont: Please pray for the ongoing recovery in the aftermath of Tropical Storm Irene, that the gospel might profoundly impact the people of Vermont through deeds of love and mercy.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Prayer Update - August 24, 2011

For more information about our presbytery, please visit our website.

Featured Church/Mission: Free Grace Presbyterian Church (profile), Lewiston, Maine (Pastor Per Almquist)

1. Rejoice with us over all that God has done, is doing, and will do in his church in Lewiston-Auburn. Pray for our time celebrating that this Sunday as Presbytery ordains and installs our first elders.

2. Pray for the many folks in our area who are POOR. We have so many who are poor – for many reasons, not all of their own doing. Lately we are getting requests for financial assistance a lot. We, and all the other mercy organizations in our town, cannot keep up with all the needs. Pray for us to bring the grace and mercy of God to our community through every relationship he gives us.

3. Pray for Ken and Jordan's Bridge. Pray for the clients he is counseling that they would experience the transformed hearts and restored relationship that comes from the grace of God at work in them.

4. Rejoice with us as we receive about 15 new members over the coming weeks and pray that God would continue to draw more people to himself and to his church.

5. Pray for health, wisdom, and grace for Ken and Kevin as they adjust to serving as elders in the church.

Featured Potential Church Planting Site: Augusta, Maine (profile)

1. Pray for the people of Augusta, including those serving in government positions in the state’s capital, including Governor Paul Lepage.

2. Pray for a strong evangelical witness among the existing churches in Augusta and the surrounding towns.

Featured Potential College Ministry Site: University of Maine-Augusta (profile), Augusta, Maine

1. Pray for the students, faculty, and staff of the Augusta campus of the University of Maine.

2. Pray for good job opportunities for the graduates of the career-oriented programs at UM-Augusta.

3. Pray for the ministry of Campus Crusade for Christ to the students there.

MNA Committee work:

Burlington: Continue to pray for The Vermont Project, the joint church planting/RUF work in Burlington, VT. Pray in particular for:

1. Joseph Pensak, the new church planter and his family, as they make new friendship in Burlington and get settled into their new home.

2. Continued progress in seeking a candidate for the RUF position.

3. Financial and prayer support towards the work in Burlington.

Presbytery Interns: Continue to pray for: Tom Powell, as he continues his internship at Hope Presbyterian Church; Mike Viera, as he begins his studies again at Reformed Theological Seminary in Jackson; Nathan Snyder, as he begins an internship this fall; and Ted Ogley, as he works as a pastoral assistant at First Presbyterian Church, Concord.

Herb Shipman: Praise God for the fruit of this ministry. Continue to pray for adequate support to be forthcoming to support Pastor Shipman in his work as an evangelist to the dairy farming community of northern Vermont. Pray also that Herb would have a restful time on his vacation.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Prayer Update - August 11, 2011

For more information on our presbytery, please visit our website.

Featured Church/Mission: Christ the Redeemer Presbyterian Church (profile), Portland, Maine (Pastor Doug Warren)
Please join us in praising God for these answered prayers:
1. We had over 160 children attend two camps during July.
2. God continues to meet our needs even in the midst of this difficult economy.
Please continue to boldly ask God for the following:
1. That God would give us greater boldness in inviting friends, neighbors, and co-workers to services, bible studies, and into our lives.
2. That God would be at work in the lives of the families who were involved in the two summer camps in July.
3. That we would experience the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace in our midst.

Featured Potential Church Planting Site: Upper Valley region of Vermont and New Hampshire (profile links below)
1. Pray for God’s blessing upon the people of Hanover and Lebanon, NH, and White River Junction, VT.
2. Pray for the reformation of the church in the Upper Valley region and for the Gospel witness of existing evangelical churches.

Featured Potential College Ministry Site: Dartmouth College (profile), Hanover, New Hampshire
1. Pray for the students, faculty, and staff of Dartmouth College as the beginning of the school year draws near.
2. Pray for God’s blessing on the campus ministries at Dartmouth, including Campus Crusade for Christ, the Navigators, and Agape Christian Fellowship.

MNA Committee work:
Burlington: Continue to pray for the joint church planting/RUF work in Burlington, VT, The Vermont Project. Pray in particular for:
1. Church planter Joseph Pensak and his family as they settle into the Burlington area.
2. Ongoing efforts to connect with potential prayer and financial partners for the work in Burlington.
Other: Pray that the Lord would grant strength and wisdom to the committee as they assist the work of church planting in Northern New England.

Moncton, New Brunswick Mission Trip: Pray for the team from NNEP that is serving Redeemer Community Church in Moncton, New Brunswick, Canada this week.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Prayer Update - July 13, 2011

For more information on our presbytery, please visit our website.

Featured Church/Mission: Faith Presbyterian Church (profile), Lancaster, New Hampshire (Pastor Mike Kooy)
1. Day Camp 2011- we praise God for bringing us 47 campers to our day camp held at Camp Shiloh at the end of June. There were many children there (ages 7-12) who were unchurched and unfamiliar with the Bible and the gospel. We pray that God will give us other opportunities to minister to them and their families.
2. Street Fair 2011- On July 30 our church will be taking part in the Lancaster Street fair. We will have a table set up with information about our church along with Bibles, tracks, booklets, etc. to hand out to those interested. Pray that the Lord would use this time to connect with people in our community who are unchurched.
3. Pray for one member of our church who is suffering from lung cancer and a husband of another member of the church who is suffering and dying from bone cancer.
4. Praise God for two girls who have completed the communicant members class and have been approved by the session to become communicant members.
5. Pray that the Lord would add to our number those being saved and that he would continue to provide for our church the funds necessary to continue ministry here in northern NH.

Featured Potential Church Planting Site: South-central New Hampshire (profile links below)
1. Pray for the spiritual and economic prosperity of the people of Salem, Derry, and Londonderry, New Hampshire.
2. Pray for the progress of the church in south-central New Hampshire.

Featured Potential College Ministry Site: University of New Hampshire (profile), Durham, New Hampshire
1. Pray for the students, faculty, and staff of the University of New Hampshire as they take their break next week before returning to conclude the present academic year.
2. Pray for the Intervarsity Christian Fellowship group at UNH and the new reformed students group connected to Pilgrim Presbyterian (OPC) in Dover, NH.

MNA Committee work:
Burlington: Continue to pray for the committee’s work toward preparing for a joint church planting/RUF work in Burlington, VT at The Vermont Project. Pray in particular for:
1. Church planter Joseph Pensak and his family as they get acclimated to Burlington.
2. The committee as the work in Burlington moves to a new phase.
3. Ongoing efforts to connect with potential prayer and financial partners for the work in Burlington.
Meeting: Pray for God’s blessing upon this Saturday’s NNEP meeting in St. Albans, VT (July 16).

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Prayer Update - June 28, 2011

For more information on our presbytery, please visit our website.

Featured Church/Mission: First Presbyterian Church (profile), Concord, New Hampshire (Pastor Doug Domin)
1. Please pray for Ted Ogley as he prepares for his Presbytery exams
2. Please pray for VBS that it would go well and be an outreach to the community.
3. Please pray for our facility needs. We are moving out of our present location July 31. We need a 24/7 facility but may have to go to a Sunday morning only rental. This is a serious dilemma for us.
4. Give thanks for the wonderful congregational meeting this past Sunday.
5. Give thanks for the way we see God using our church.
6. Pray for our financial needs as our giving is below budget.

Featured Potential Church Planting Site: Brunswick, Maine (profile)
1. Pray for the spiritual and economic prosperity of the people of Brunswick.
2. Pray for the existing evangelical churches in Brunswick, including Merrymeeting Bay OPC, currently meeting there.
3. Pray for the expansion of the Kingdom in central Maine.

Featured Potential College Ministry Site: Bowdoin College (profile), Brunswick, Maine
1. Pray for the students, faculty, and staff of Bowdoin College as they begin to prepare for the new academic year.
2. Pray for the establishment of strong college ministries on a campus without a RUF, Intervarsity, or Campus Crusade presence.

MNA Committee work:
Burlington: Continue to pray for The Vermont Project, the joint church planting/RUF work in Burlington, VT. Pray in particular for:
1. Joseph Pensak and his family as they make preparations to move on site to Burlington.
2. For the people of Burlington, that God would continue the work of preparing the fields for harvest.
3. Ongoing efforts to connect with potential prayer and financial partners for the work in Burlington.

Presbytery Interns: Continue to pray for: Tom Powell, as he has begun an internship at Hope Presbyterian Church; Mike Viera, as he begins his studies again at Reformed Theological Seminary in Jackson; and Nathan Snyder, as he does an internship this summer and prepares for another in the fall.

Herb Shipman: Continue to pray for adequate support to be forthcoming to support Pastor Shipman in his work as an evangelist to the dairy farming community of northern Vermont.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Prayer Update - June 15, 2011

For more information on our presbytery, please visit our website.

Featured Church/Mission: Christ Presbyterian Church (profile), Nashua, New Hampshire (Pastor Jason Wakefield)
1. Pray for leadership development, as three men have come forward to serve as officers at CPC.
2. Pray for the funding of the ministry; we are starting a new financial year June 1.
3. Pray for us as we look for a new facility. We need to find a place that will further our ministry.
4. Pray for new people to come and join the congregation.
5. Pray that we would continue to develop a biblical community with a global and local missions emphasis.

Featured Potential Church Planting Site: Littleton, New Hampshire (profile)
1. Pray for the spiritual and material prosperity of the people of Littleton, NH.
2. Pray for the progress of the church in the northern portion of New Hampshire and for wisdom in the development of plans for planting churches in the rural regions of the state.

Featured Potential College Ministry Site: Middlebury College (profile), Middlebury, Vermont
1. Pray for the students, faculty, and staff of Middlebury College during their summer beak.
2. Pray for God to bless the several campus ministries at Middlebury, including Campus Crusade for Christ and Intervarsity Christian Fellowship.

MNA Committee work:
Burlington: Continue to pray for the committee’s work toward preparing for a joint church planting/RUF work The Vermont Project in Burlington, VT. Pray in particular for:
1. Church planter Joseph Pensak and his family as they make the physical move to Burlington.
2. The people of Burlington that God would prepare the harvest for this work.
3. A potential RUF minister who would have a heart for Burlington and the students of the University of Vermont.
4. Ongoing efforts to connect with potential prayer and financial partners for the work in Burlington.
Other: Pray for the committee’s work with other ministry candidates. Pray for wisdom as the committee seeks guidance in future church planting sights.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Prayer Update - June 1, 2011

For more information about our presbytery, please visit our website.
Featured Church/Mission: Grace Presbyterian Church (profile), Laconia, New Hampshire (Pastor Andy Wilson)
1. Give thanks for the reception of a number of new members in recent months, including three covenant children who were admitted to the Lord's Table.
2. Pray for our session as we develop and implement a plan for shepherding this flock.
3. Pray for boldness in sharing our faith with non-Christians in our commu, and for the Lord to work through our church to bring people to saving faith.
4. Pray for the Lord's financial provision.
5. Pray for Pastor Wilson's wife Jonelle, and for the Wilson family, as Jonelle receives treatment for breast cancer.

Featured Potential Church Planting Site: Keene, New Hampshire (profile)
1. Pray for the people of Keene and for the spiritual and material prosperity of people in the western part of New Hampshire.
2. Pray for the reformation of the church in Keene and for God’s blessing the evangelical churches there.
3. Pray for God’s provision of a church planter to establish a new church in Keene.

Featured Potential College Ministry Site: Keene State College (profile), Keene, New Hampshire
1. Pray for the students, faculty, and staff of Keene State College during their summer break and for the school’s impact on the state through the large number of public school teachers who study there.
2. Pray for the campus ministries at Keene State, including the work of Campus Crusade for Christ.

MNA Committee work:
Burlington: Continue to pray for the committee’s work toward preparing for a joint church planting/RUF work in Burlington, VT. Pray in particular for:
1. TE Joseph Pensak and his family as they look to move to Burlington this summer.
2. Ongoing efforts to connect with potential prayer and financial partners for the work in Burlington.

1. Pray for the committee’s work as it makes contact with men who are interested in serving in Northern New England.
2. Pray for the 39th General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in America (June 7-10) that the work of the church might prosper and God’s name would be honored and glorified in all the proceedings.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Prayer Update - May 6, 2011

For more information about our presbytery, please visit our website.

Featured Church/Mission: Trinity Presbyterian Church (profile), St. Albans, VT (Pastor Seth Anderson)
1) Pray that God would give us an undivided heart in our affection for Him.
2) Pray that God would enable us to love each other and our neighbors well as we demonstrate the grace of Christ.
3) Pray that God would strengthen and protect us from the attacks of the Evil One, especially the tendency to become negative.

Featured Potential Church Planting Site: Berlin, New Hampshire (profile)
1. Pray for the work of God’s Spirit in the north country of New Hampshire and especially in the town of Berlin.
2. Pray for good economic opportunities for the people of Berlin and the surrounding region.
3. Pray for the resources necessary for the planting of churches in the rural regions of northern New England.

Featured Potential College Ministry Site: Bates College (profile)
1. Pray for the students, faculty, and staff of Bates College as they take their break between academic years.
2. Pray for the Intervarsity Christian Fellowship group at Bates and for a strong evangelical witness among the student population there.
3. Pray for the encouragement of Christian students at the school.

MNA Committee work:
Burlington: Continue to pray for the committee’s work toward preparing for a joint church planting/RUF work in Burlington, VT. Pray in particular for:
1. Joseph Pensak and his family as they continue the process of transitioning to this new work.
2. For adequate prayer and financial support within Northern New England and beyond.

Herb Shipman: Pray for strong prayer and financial support for Herb’s ministry among the dairy farmers in northern Vermont. Give thanks for the spiritual fruit that God has brought about through his labors.
Mike Viera: Pray for Mike and for his family as they look for housing in Jackson, MS.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Prayer Update - April 21, 2011

For more information about our presbytery, please visit our website.

Featured Church/Mission: Free Grace Presbyterian Church (profile), Lewiston, Maine (Pastor Per Almquist)
1. Praise that it is abundantly clear to us that God is at work here through, and despite, us. Pray that we would continue to see God working in such a way that we can not doubt his free grace to us.
2. That we would see God provide $3000/month for the next two years in such a way that we can not doubt it is he who did it.
3. That others both locally and our partners would see his provision so clearly that they give the glory to him alone and are drawn to worshipping him.
4. That people's lives would be changed by the power of the gospel as they come to Jordan's Bridge Christian Counseling with their struggles in life.
5. That we would continue to respond to our financial shortfall with worship and find our strength and hope in his provision of Jesus Christ and not our finances.

Featured Potential Church Planting Site: Montpelier, Vermont (profile)
1. Pray for the work of God’s Spirit among the people of Vermont’s capital city.
2. Pray for the leaders of the Vermont government including Governor Jim Douglas.
3. Pray for God’s blessing upon the church in northern Vermont.

Featured Potential College Ministry Site: University of Maine (profile), Orono, Maine
1. Pray for the students, faculty, and staff at the main campus of the University of Maine in the summer ahead and for the town of Orono.
2. Pray for the campus ministries at the University of Maine, including Campus Crusade for Christ, Intervarsity Christian Fellowship, and the Maine Christian Association.

MNA Committee work:
Burlington: Continue to pray for the committee’s work toward preparing for a joint church planting/RUF work in Burlington, VT. Pray in particular for:
1. Joseph Pensak and his family, that he would conclude his current calling well.
2. The continued development of financial and prayer support for the work in Burlington.
3. The Lord of the harvest to continue to prepare hearts to be receptive to the message of the Gospel.

Herb Shipman: Continue to pray for adequate support to be forthcoming to support Pastor Shipman in his work as an evangelist to the dairy farming community of northern Vermont.

Presbytery Interns: Continue to pray for: Tom Powell, as he finishes up his Th.M. degree at Gordon-Conwell; we rejoice that he has begun an internship at Hope Presbyterian Church; Mike Viera, as he begins his studies again at Reformed Theological Seminary in Jackson; and Nathan Snyder, as he completes his last semester in the M. Div. program at Covenant Seminary and begins an internship this summer.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Prayer Update - March 24, 2011

For more information about our presbytery, please visit our website.

Featured Church/Mission: Exeter Presbyterian Church (profile), Exeter, New Hampshire (Pastor Steve Magee)
1. Pray for our care for friends and family members who are not part of the congregation.
2. Ask the Lord to grant to the young men of this and many other congregations in our region a zeal for truth and a desire to give themselves to others in holy and sacrificial love.
3. Thank the Lord for our good relationships with other churches with whom we are partnering in ministry. May He use these unusual Christian alliances for His glory.
4. May our God grant heavenly energy, courage, and vision to our elders as we seek to help a neighboring congregation through a challenging time of transition.

Featured Potential Church Planting Site: seacoast of southern Maine (profile links below)
1. Pray for the people of Saco, Biddeford, and Old Orchard Beach, located south of Portland on the Atlantic coast.
2. Pray for the reformation of the church in this region and for the raising up of those who would be involved in planting a PCA church in these communities.

Featured Potential College Ministry Site: University of Southern Maine (profile), Portland, Maine (main campus)
1. Pray for the students, faculty, and staff of University of Southern Maine, part of Maine public university system, as they conclude the academic year.
2. Pray for the involvement of members of Christ the Redeemer Presbyterian (PCA) on campus and for the work of Campus Crusade for Christ and Intervarsity Christian Fellowship.

MNA Committee work:
Burlington: Continue to pray for the committee’s work toward preparing for a joint church planting/RUF work in Burlington, VT. Pray in particular for:
1. Joseph Pensak and his family as they look to move to Burlington.
2. God to provide abundantly for this work.
3. God to be at work in the hearts and lives of the people of Burlington in preparation for this work.
Other: Pray for opportunities for committee members to connect with others interested in church planting in Northern New England as they attend a conference next week.

Meeting: Pray for God’s grace upon this Saturday’s NNEP meeting (March 26).

Friday, March 11, 2011

Prayer Update - March 11, 2011

For more information about our presbytery, please visit our website.

Featured Church/Mission: Church of the Redeemer (profile), Manchester, New Hampshire (Pastor Jon Taylor)
1. Please pray for fruit from Pastor Taylor and Elder Ken Butler's trip to the Carolinas recruiting interns and connecting with supporters.
2. We praise God for the transition of worship and music leadership at CTR, and for those taking on new roles and responsibilities.
3. Pray for CTR to cultivate means of building community among our members.
4. We praise God for a significant financial gift that is enabling us to look to purchase property or a facility in the future.
5. Please pray for wisdom as we continue to look for facility space and manage our current space wisely for God's glory.

Featured Potential Church Planting Site: Lakes Region, Maine (profile links below)
1. Pray for the people of the thirteen towns that make up the lakes region of central Maine, including Casco, Bridgton, Naples, and Raymond. Pray for good economic opportunities for the many involved in tourism-based industries.
2. Pray for the further establishment of the church in this region.

Featured Potential College Ministry Site: Plymouth State University (profile), Plymouth, New Hampshire
1. Pray for the students, faculty, and staff of Plymouth State University, part of the University System of New Hampshire.
2. Pray for the ministry of Campus Crusade for Christ to the students there.

MNA Committee work:
Burlington: Continue to pray for the committee’s work toward preparing for a joint church planting/RUF work in Burlington, VT. Pray in particular for:
1. Strength, peace and encouragement for Joseph Pensak and his family as they begin raising support and transition from their current ministry to the work in Burlington.
2. Continued progress in seeking a candidate for the RUF position.
3. Financial support towards the work in Burlington.

Herb Shipman: Continue to pray for adequate support to be forthcoming to support Pastor Shipman in his work as an evangelist to the dairy farming community of northern Vermont.

Presbytery Interns: Continue to pray for: Tom Powell, as he studies for his licensure exam and finishes up his Th.M. degree at Gordon-Conwell; Mike Viera, as he transitions back from active duty and begins his studies again at Reformed Theological Seminary in Jackson; and Nathan Snyder, as he completes his last semester in the M. Div. program at Covenant Seminary.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Prayer Update - February 23, 2011

For more information about our presbytery, please visit our website.

Featured Church/Mission: Faith Presbyterian Church (profile), Lancaster, New Hampshire (Pastor Mike Kooy)
1. Pray for men to be nominated, trained and elected for the offices of elder or deacon in our church.
2. Ask the Lord to bless us as we make plans for our Day Camp outreach in June. Pray that the Lord would provide: staff, funds, and campers.
3. Praise God for the many ways he provided for our church's finances in 2010. Ask the Lord to continue to supply us with all we need to maintain a gospel witness in our community.
4. Pray for those attending new member and communicant member classes.
5. Please continue to pray for Shiloh ministries. May the Lord supply them with all that they stand in need.

Featured Potential Church Planting Site: Augusta, Maine (profile)
1. Pray for the people of Augusta, including those serving in government positions in the state’s capital.
2. Pray for a strong evangelical witness among the existing churches in Augusta and the surrounding towns.

Featured Potential College Ministry Site: University of Maine-Augusta (profile), Augusta, Maine
1. Pray for the students, faculty, and staff of the Augusta campus of the University of Maine.
2. Pray for good job opportunities for the graduates of the career-oriented programs at UM-Augusta.
3. Pray for the ministry of Campus Crusade for Christ to the students there.

MNA Committee work:
Burlington: Continue to pray for the committee’s work toward preparing for a joint church planting/RUF work in Burlington, VT. Pray in particular for:
1. Joseph Pensak, the new church planter and his family, as they begin the process of transitioning to Burlington.
2. Continued progress in seeking a candidate for the RUF position.
3. Financial support towards the work in Burlington.

Monday, January 31, 2011

Prayer Update - January 31, 2011

For more information on our presbytery, please visit our website.

Featured Church/Mission: First Presbyterian Church (profile), Concord, New Hampshire (Pastor Doug Domin)
1. Please give thanks for the arrival of Ted and Lisa Ogley and their family. God provided a buyer for their home in Colorado Springs and a good rental here in NH.
2. Please pray for a new facility for us. The landlord rented the other suite we were using which significantly hinders our ability to carry out all our ministries. The facility has been a huge help to the ministry for which we give thanks.
3. Please pray for the couple’s bible study we are doing on Friday nights. We praise God for the 10 couples in the study. We are using the DVD and book, “What Did You Expect?” by Paul Tripp.
4. Please pray for God to bless our efforts to serve Him by preaching the whole counsel of God and having God centered worship.

Featured Potential Church Planting Site: Upper Valley region of Vermont and New Hampshire (profile links below)
1. Pray for God’s blessing upon the people of Hanover and Lebanon, NH, and White River Junction, VT.
2. Pray for the reformation of the church in the Upper Valley region and for the Gospel witness of existing evangelical churches.

Featured Potential College Ministry Site: Dartmouth College (profile), Hanover, New Hampshire
1. Pray for the students, faculty, and staff of Dartmouth College as the end of the school years draws near.
2. Pray for God’s blessing on the campus ministries at Dartmouth, including Campus Crusade for Christ, the Navigators, and Agape Christian Fellowship.

MNA Committee work:
Burlington: Continue to pray for the committee’s work toward preparing for a joint church planting/RUF work in Burlington, VT. Pray in particular for:
1. The new church planter and his family as they begin the transition to this new work in Burlington.
2. Ongoing efforts to connect with potential prayer and financial partners for the work in Burlington.
3. The committee’s next regular meeting on 2/9 as we consider the next steps in this work.
Herb Shipman: Continue to pray for adequate support to be forthcoming to support Pastor Shipman in his work as an evangelist to the dairy farming community of northern Vermont.
Mike Viera: Continue to pray for Mike, a candidate under care in the presbytery, and his wife and three children, as Mike has returned home from a year-long deployment to Afghanistan as a member of the Army reserves.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Prayer Update - January 12, 2011

For more information on our presbytery, please visit our website.

Featured Church/Mission: Grace Presbyterian Church (profile), Laconia, New Hampshire (Pastor Andy Wilson)
1. Pray for one of our members as she contends with terminal cancer.
2. Give thanks to God for the addition of a new ruling elder.
3. Pray that the Lord would grant our elders wisdom as they seek to shepherd several members who are faced with difficult circumstances in their lives at this time. Pray also for the elders' general shepherding of the entire congregation.
4. Pray for one individual who is going through our membership class, and for two covenant children who are being prepared to publicly confess their faith and be admitted to the Lord's Table.

Featured Potential Church Planting Site: South-central New Hampshire (profile links below)
1. Pray for the spiritual and economic prosperity of the people of Salem, Derry, and Londonderry, New Hampshire.
2. Pray for the progress of the church in south-central New Hampshire.

Featured Potential College Ministry Site: University of New Hampshire profile, Durham, New Hampshire
1. Pray for the students, faculty, and staff of the University of New Hampshire as they take their break next week before returning to conclude the present academic year.
2. Pray for the Intervarsity Christian Fellowship group at UNH and the new reformed students group connected to Pilgrim Presbyterian (OPC) in Dover, NH.

MNA Committee work:
Burlington: Continue to pray for the committee’s work toward preparing for a joint church planting/RUF work in Burlington, VT. Pray in particular for:
1. The committee as the work in Burlington moves to a new phase.
2. Ongoing efforts to connect with potential prayer and financial partners for the work in Burlington.
Meeting: Pray for God’s blessing upon this Saturday’s NNEP meeting in Laconia, NH (January 15).
Herb Shipman: Continue to pray for adequate support to be forthcoming to support Pastor Shipman in his work as an evangelist to the dairy farming community of northern Vermont.