Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Prayer Update - October 19, 2011

For more information about our presbytery, please visit our website.

Featured Church/Mission: Grace Presbyterian Church (profile), Laconia, New Hampshire (Pastor Andy Wilson)

1. Give thanks for a new member who joined recently by making a first time profession of faith. Pray for his growth in grace.

2. Give thanks for a new family that has been attending. Pray that they might seek membership.

3. Pray for our session as we implement a plan for shepherding this flock.

4. Pray for the Lord's financial provision.

5. Pray for Pastor Wilson's wife Jonelle, and for the Wilson family, as Jonelle receives treatment for breast cancer.

Featured Potential Church Planting Site: Berlin, New Hampshire (profile)

1. Pray for the work of God’s Spirit in the north country of New Hampshire and especially in the town of Berlin.

2. Pray for good economic opportunities for the people of Berlin and the surrounding region.

3. Pray for the resources necessary for the planting of churches in the rural regions of northern New England.

Featured Potential College Ministry Site: Bates College (profile)

1. Pray for the students, faculty, and staff of Bates College as they take their break between academic years.

2. Pray for the Intervarsity Christian Fellowship group at Bates and for a strong evangelical witness among the student population there.

3. Pray for the encouragement of Christian students at the school.

MNA Committee work:

Burlington: Continue to pray for the committee’s work toward preparing for a joint church planting/RUF work in Burlington, VT. Pray in particular for:

1. Joseph Pensak and his family as they welcome the newest addition to their family, Maelle, born October 10, 2011.

2. For the new gatherings happening in the city of Burlington.

3. For adequate prayer and financial support within Northern New England and beyond.


Herb Shipman: Pray for strong prayer and financial support for Herb’s ministry among the dairy farmers in northern Vermont. Give thanks for the spiritual fruit that God has brought about through his labors.

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