Thursday, February 28, 2013

Prayer update - February 28, 2013

For more information about our presbytery, please visit our website.

Featured Church/Mission: Church of the Redeemer (profile), Manchester, New Hampshire (Pastor Jon Taylor)
1. We praise God that, in spite of significant conflict in 2012 and the loss of four core families, we ended 2012 with growth in both giving and attendance and are experiencing greater peace and unity than we have ever had at CTR (not to mention the Lord's provision of a physical home of our own). God is good!
2. We praise God for the commitment of the presbytery to our purity, peace, health and growth.
3. Please pray for three men who are nominated for office and two others who are taking leadership training, that out of these men the Lord would raise up more leaders to take CTR into the future.
4. We are starting a youth group in March. Please pray for our pastoral intern Brian Phillips as he leads this ministry, and for fruit both in discipleship at CTR and outreach in our city through it.
5. Pray for God's leading in reaching our new neighborhood, in part through an Explorer Camp July 22-26 in partnership with Covenant PCA in Birmingham, AL.

Featured Potential Church Planting Site: Montpelier, Vermont (profile)
1. Pray for the work of God’s Spirit among the people of Vermont’s capital city. 
2. Pray for the leaders of the Vermont government including Governor Peter Shumlin.
3. Pray for God’s blessing upon the church in northern Vermont.

Featured Potential College Ministry Site: University of Maine (profile), Orono, Maine
1. Pray for the students, faculty, and staff at the main campus of the University of Maine as they make their way through this long spring semester; and for the town of Orono.
2. Pray for the campus ministries at the University of Maine, including Campus Crusade for Christ, Intervarsity Christian Fellowship, Navigators, and the Maine Christian Association.

MNA Committee work:
RUF/University of Vermont: Continue to pray for the new RUF/UVM ministry. In particular:
1. Pray for John and Megan as they continue to build relationships with students and faculty at UVM.
2. Pray particularly for Hannah and Jesse; that God would grant them faith, and that fruit would be borne through the developing relationship.
3. Pray for the community group/Bible study that meets in the Meinen's home on Thursday night; that everyone involved would experience a deepening of love for and trust in Jesus Christ.
4. Pray that God would pave the way for RUF to meet on the campus of UVM for free in the fall.
Herb Shipman: Please continue to pray for Herb as he serves the dairy farmers of northern Vermont; that God would grant him strength and grace in the midst of his daily physical sufferings and challenges.

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